Industrial relocation

Regardless of the many reasons for relocating a manufacturing facility or just moving single units of machinery, both objectives require scrupulous planning and in-depth management to stay within budget and on schedule. It is also key to maintain a safe and regularized working environment at all steps of the process.

The GREEN INDUSTRY SERVICES is the provider of global relocation and installation services for industrial systems. Our staff helps to keep you and your business moving. GREEN INDUSTRY SERVICES has been helping other businesses overcome their challenges for over 10 years. From our beginnings, we have grown to become an international service provider thanks to our satisfied customers. GREEN INDUSTRY SERVICES is a medium-sized, owner-managed company, so even now we maintain close relationships with our customers.

Our professionals and extensive experience ensure that you can rely on an efficient and safe industrial relocation. Whether this concerns a single machine relocation, relocation of a complete production line or whole factory: We will take care of your relocation throughout Europe or even worldwide.

Due to our flexibility and commitment we have become a permanent installation partner for suppliers and manufacturers of machines. And, it is important: for our customers we are available 24/7 in case of malfunctions or incidents in production.